Cas Rooseboom has been working in Kenya…with ‘the Timeless Hour’
Workshop in Nairobi / Kenia met de methode ‘The Timeless Hour’ met deelnemers; groepsleerkrachten / kunstenaars / kinderen. Docent de voormalig student Cas Roseboom uit Amsterdam.
Small tables/benches were the only furniture available during workshops in Kenya (Africa). However, a lot can be done with very limited means. Photograph: Cas Roseboom.
‘Group teachers and artists standing while working on a large joint drawing on a large drawing board. Partially with closed eyes and the non-dominant hand and later with eyes open.’ Nairobi / Kenya. Foto Cas Roseboom.
Young and older group teachers and some artists, together busy drawing by rotation in making a large drawing with charcoal and partly with eyes closed. By rotation they each take their turn independently at the large drawing board. Training of students group teachers and artists in Narobi / Kenya.