‘Had I had this as a child, I would have become a different person’
Subsequently Liesbeth Rientjes translated the book ‘t Tijdloze Uur’  into English -‘the Timeless Hour’- for all children of the world…

The Timeless Hour:  a Universal method by raising creativity towards consciousness

‘For the first time I was allowed to draw what I really feel and see inside’. Girl group 7 primary school.
‘working timelessly creates peace, concentration, energy and passion in the class room’

Introduction -pdf-  EnglishTimelessHourENtn


Children unerringly recognize their own power and intuition like nobody else!
In forty years of teaching these exercises I never heard after the lesson a child say:
‘I can’t draw. ’

Michiel Czn Dhont

Most pictures by Cocky den Duyf – www.inulatexla.nl

expressing inner images… Learning by Doing